Thursday, March 12, 2015

Word Parts - alg, algesia, algia

One of the fastest ways to increase your vocabulary is by learning word parts, i.e., roots, prefixes, suffixes or forms.

The TRiO SSS Scoop will give you a new word part every so often so that you can begin to work on increasing your college vocabulary. Here's your word part for today...

alg, algesia, algia – pain
algesis – sense of pain
algein to suffer pain from algos-pain
analgesic – remedy that relieves pain; analgesia – absence of sense of pain; myalgia – pain in one of more muscles; algesthesia – hypersensitivity to pain; myoneuraligia – neuralgic pain in muscle; hypalgesia = diminished sensitivity to pain; algesimeter = instrument used to determine acuteness of pain perception; hyperalgesia = increased sensitivity to pain; adiposaligia – painful areas of subcutaneous fat; otalgia – earache; hypnalgia – pain occurring during sleep

Can you figure these out?

nostalgia, odontalgia, photalgia, psychalgia