Sunday, September 1, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...


KDEN 1974 Vernacular Side Bar Foot Note 

 Thus I have heard people are having problems reading the posts.

Thus I have heard 1974 Vernacular is an oral language with no rules for written grammar and spelling. It's roots come from growing up in Kailua and not being a very good speller. Breaking the Sound Barrier at Maunawili Elementary didn't work as these ears couldn't hear the differences in sounds or syllables or remember the spelling rules. Second grade strategy was to write messy so the teacher had a hard time checking spelling and it worked for the most part, but also got a U for penmanship - and yes, still use the same strategy today. Practiced Da Vinci writing as he used to write backwards, upside down, the right way and misspell his words so that people couldn't look over his shoulder to copy his ideas so you're lucky this isn't handwritten. Had to memorize how words were spelled in order to pass spelling tests and now have to Google or spell check work daily.

Thus I have heard you need to use context for meaning, to figure out words, and also for sounding out the words. Keep in mind that the word could have an English, Hawaiian, or Japanese spelling and/or pronunciation. If you're good at the English rules of spelling, then you need to know the various rules are misused so you need to figure out which rule to use, i.e., our personal license plate for the kids surf school bus was SCIRGH. SC as in science, IR as in sir, and GH as in tough so SURF. If you're lousy at the Breaking the Sound Barrier rules, then oh well, it's going to be a slow process. Learned basic Quickhand in college for note taking and then texting came along which was basically the same thing so they come in to play too. On the positive side, we do know a very good Disability Counselor that can recommend some academic adjustments and modifications for you.

Thus I have heard payback is a bich. Having had to struggle through elementary, intermediate and highhh - actually blew off high school, all you English Standard School graduates get to now see what it was like for locals on the East Side, West Side, and Country. And if you graduated from an East Side, West Side, or Country high school, just have someone read it to you and you'll totally get it.

pau and tu b continued anada time bumbye…

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Monday, August 26, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...



da start… 

funny how little lessons learned at windward have turned out to be major forces that have carried me throughout life…having more d’s and f’s in high school than b’s or a’s, it was a wonder why i even applied to windward and even more mind boggling that they accepted me...(only sometime later, after the first semester did i find out about the open door policy)...hahahahahahaha...and now the story begins...

monday, august 26, 1974 was the first day of classes for the 1974 fall semester at wcc...and lookie here fifty years later, monday, august 26 is the first day of classes for the 2024 fall semester...i was a brand spanking new 17 yr old student...just graduated from kailua, figured i knew everything even tho could only do gambling math (was good at the math, but still lost money) and could barely almost write won basic english sentence… 

ankneeweighs, dad died when i was 14 and mom worked 11pm-7am shift at castle as obgyn nurse and slept during day so grew up at kailua que learning all da fun stuffses in life...friend’s dad said should try go and c wat was wcc about, but wasn’t’ sure wat wcc was gonna do since was having good fun in da pool hall...pretty sure i wasn't gonna get in since barely grad kailua, but got an acceptance letter and was all jacked cuz wcc accepted me... all jacked, and only later found out just gotta b 18 or have a high school diploma and they accept u...and now u know y for all u who get all jacked about wcc accepting you, as how come i know how u stay feel cuz I bin stay just like u and neva know wcc take everybody...hahahahahahahah… 

my first day of college at wcc was an eye opener and little did i know it would change my direction in life, mayb not for the better, but at least i neva go live in da hai makamaka gated community – yet...wcc and the staff, faculty, and administration saved me from who knows what so as won main reason for all da aloha for wcc... 

wat class gonna take?...which classroom i go and where stay?...can i take any class i interested in? register? pay?...anybody for try tell me?...registration was in a room where get classes listed on the wall saying open/closed and u gotta go in when ur alpha was scheduled...u had one 4” by 6” index card and stay put ur classes on top, go one desk and somebody initial um by the class, den go next desk for next class and in the end somebody took um and told u how much u owe... 

like a typical teenager, scared and no like make a and more worried what others tink den for try ask, but only good ting, get choke just like me – losted...da last year guyses knew exactly what for do and who for take classes from... luckily had all da counselors (tree) by the registration place and they help you pick your classes and make sure count towards aa or watevas u stay wcc foa...back in the day, could have up to 12 crs under 100 and still get aa, but thing is those no trans to uhm or other 4 year colleges/universities... 

pau for now…tu b continued anada time bumbye… 

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Sunday, August 25, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...


KDEN WON (get sum moa) 

kden, for my first sems, had econ 101, is 100, phil 100, and rel 150...i get pen (from rahsul) and notebook but have no idea what gonna do with um in idea what for write, wat important, how for take is gotta try read what i wrote or moa like chicken scratched on da paper...hahahahahahah...more bestest bestest is haven't realized that i actually gotta read reed, study, and use the notes foa take testsess...dat will b an eye opener little later in da semester, eh?...hahahahahahaha...damn, is dis a brand new world or wat?...kinda good fun try listen all dis new stuffses, but brain getting overloaded...gotta try morph into won brainkneeack real quick kine... 

wonder wat everybody stay standing in dat line fore in eckerdt...wat ever for, stay moving slow kine...they stay in da hallway and go insai and guess they going out the back door of what used to b da fin aid office with steven and dayna and denice or what stay now da custodian/maintenance office while they stay renovating their building...ah's four mean we gotta buy our books and teacher no give in class and record the number on top the book next to ur name and bumby we return when pau?...hahahahahaha...oh well, tink books costses more than tuition and gotta be must sell um by the pound... 

for anybody, college can?, can, but not easy cuz u know the feeling of get kids in class who wen really study in high school and pretty smart and here we stay not sew book smart at all trying for figure how type on manual typewriter or if lucky, one ibm selectric ii or can only add up to twenty (cuz only stay wear slippahs)...but as alright cuz just sit inn back of classroom and watch – cuz local as y...funny how da geeky brainiacs now da bulls and flex their brains for show off and shut others down for all da times they bin get shut down inn high school...only fair cuz tu good, eh how life even stuffses out fore all da mean stuffses you bin tell da geeky kids high school thyme?...hahahahahahah... 

pau fore now…tu b continued anada time bumbuy… 

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Saturday, August 24, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...



da wcc campus… 


bak den, only stay 7 building...eckerdt was the admin building and now stay alakaʻi...try look in da high ceiling above the cashier office window at the plaque commemorating da guy eckerdt...mahi was math, history, econ, phil and now stay manaʻopono...lono was english, comm, sp, even had one evening accounting class insai there, the learning center and trio sss (trio sss bin start wcc in the late 70's)…by the weigh, lono got demo’d and is now where stay da library...kanaloa was the old library and is now mānaleo...judd was media and social sciences, bus, and office technology and is now naʻauao...‘iolani was for sciences and is now ‘iolani... wonda y dey no stei change name?...hāloa was also up in the back and to the side of ʻiolani and was student activities, music/dance classrooms and is now back under the state hospital rule...and that was the whole campus...most classes were held in ‘iolani, judd, lono, and mahi with a few in hāloa...parking lot was grass and they only put gravel later later on, but like now parking was free...the current trio sss home, waipā no was and neva come part of wcc until 77-78, but also a‘o, ‘imiloa, pālanakila, ‘ākoakoa, kuhina, or hōkūlani all neva stay yet... 

point of fact, u had to cross a narrow wooden bridge to go da other side da little stream-gully of buffalo grass from the parking lot to get to the part of campus between lono and kanaloa and depending how big the other guy coming u might have to wait...on both sides of stream had kinda plenny huge mango trees, da kine no can pick cuz was way too high, even w stick with basket...also had kinda plenty lauhala trees...u can still c where the gully ran if u stand at the pālanakila side of ‘imi loa and look up towards the sculpture and pālanakila...if u parked higher up then u neva need cross da bridge so much, but then you’d have to hoof it down from basically almost ‘iolani and if parked lower, u had to walk along the road to come to mahi... 

won nada point of fact, there was won road that came down one way da middle of campus from between judd and kanaloa (na‘auao and mānaleo) all the way down thru the current library could park there if u came early or late and knew how to parallel park on hillses – lots of bugs, datsun and toyota trucks so all standard...

when i first started working trio ‘05, had won r1 rice burner so’d ride it to lono and park right next to the ambulance ramp...ambulance ramp???...yup, try look pics of lono below and u can c the ramp went right up to my old office (bonus if know wat in dashed circle)...ambulance or hearse would reverse up and they’d gurney da patient right in – dead go to morgue in alaka‘i basement and for lobotomy take um to basement in ‘iolani...and as y chicken skin in da basements... 


all pau…tu b continued anada time bumbi… 

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Friday, August 23, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...



campus lieph...

enrollment was 1,000 foa fall u neva know everybody name, but u recognize faces so wen u c at store, “eh u go windward, yea?”...u’d c all the instructors all da time and same ting, except if u was in their class, then they knew u and say, “howzit roy”...same with admin...they were all friendly and helpful...da campus was small enuff and cozy and friendly and there was no fiefdoms like nau...every department had to share classroom space cuz only had couple classroom in judd with the stupid pole like in na‘auao, five classroom mahi, for classroom lono, too in ‘iolani and one or two in hā the hper classes met at district park pool, tennis courts, or, only get science in ‘imiloa, eng/lang arts in mānaleo, soc sci in na‘auao, but pālanakila big enuff for variety of classes and not just art/theater/dance... 

tuition for 12+ credits was $30 plus a $5 mandatory student fee and 1 - 11 credits was $2.50 a credit...wat dat fafsa?...went to $3.50 a credit in 1975 and den bin won major jump to $10 won credit in 1984…now stay $131 a credit, but u get so much moa betta education??? or mayb now day, student stay more like upper campus da kine sew take weigh more work foa try make um b smart…for reals, not, butt really for reals…nah, butt den again gallon regular gas was 47¢ and gallon milk was about $2 in ‘74… 

classes was either 8 weak or 16 week so u could take 2 class first 8 week, 2 class 2nd 8 weak and won 16 weak sew kan whack out 15 credit no prob as u only had tree midterm or final at da mostest at the same time...classes was pretty much the same size as now like 20 to at da most 30 students and was won old school desk chair combo and lefties always looking uncomfortable if they neva get won lefty chair/ ac so all da doors open and windows if could...keep everything open so da flies and mosquitos had won way fore get out and no stay trap insai da room...fluffy stuff falling from ceiling...was tested and not asbestos...was fo soften the ceiling like clouds fore patients befour time...seemed like there was lots more evening classes than now cuz i think back then mayb have more students working full time during the day and everybody was more focused on when students could come versus when i like teach and go home... 

patients came and sat in classes often just for the hell of long as they didn’t disturb da class/students, they could come and go friend night class had one patient come his class and sit down every night...instructor bin tell um, "no movie tonight" and he got up and left...instructor said he come all the time and go from class to class looking foa won movie and when there was one, he'd just sit and watch...patients all walking around campus and just like now, no can tell students from is some of them making out by da trees and the official word from upper campus was that it was good that they can relate to another person so they thought it positive…most of hale a‘o side was buffalo grass and trees and was fenced off from wcc, but every so often had won naked patient or two in dat i tink about it, don’t remember if there was security...mayb contract guards with the brown shirts??? remember any problems so mayb az y no moa security… 

student activity center wasn't very big, but had tv, lounge chairs, pool table and ping pong table in hāloa so every so often, kinda too often every so often waste away study hours playing and as y know student activity center is for prokrasteenait problems and da more you hang out there, the more you definitely procrastinate... 

good to know, da manapua man came 9am or so everyday and parked right next to the bridge...get two manapua, two pork hash for $1.25...could get little boat noodles or cigs foa 50 scents or candies or crack seed for nickel/dime, or sodas for 25 centses was bottle water… 

stay get aa end of sp 1976...graduation was on the lawn right outside the back of trio, on folding chairs and no tent...only had about 30 or so of the grads at ceremony, no cap, no gown, just white shirt and black pants and shoes??? now instructors and parents looking proud…and all da students wit broke da face smiles, especially da ones who no thought they bin pass the last classes…had cake and juice aftas…no world famous trio sss shoyu chicken bowl... 

dis one pau…tu b continued anada time bumbai… 

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Thursday, August 22, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...



da instructors… 

wat maid windward windward was dat da main ingredients dat 99% of the instructors and admin had was heart and compassion...they truly cared for the students and wanted them to learn and succeed vs. failing them to put um in their place...they’d hold ur hand til they thought u was ready tu fly and then they’d send u off too the wolves and most of us survived and thrived at uhm, chaminade, byu, hawaii pacific and for me, i survived uhm and THE ohio state university...classes was same same hardness at wcc at uhm at osu undergrad (grad summa cum laude, phi kappa phi) and at osu grad school...all eva needed to know, learned at wcc---how take notes, speed reed, write essays, how for study fore and take essay testses or multiple choice testsess (moa like learn how foa cram um), time management (no work so good if go student activity center especially afta you stay prokrasteenait 14 weeks), how study with sq3r method, and many other people skills that got me thru an aa, bs in ed, 200+ page masta thesis, and ma in ed...okage sama de – I am what i am now because of all the help i received from all the caring and compassionate instructors and staff and admin at wcc...mahalos big time... 

norma higa - she da main reason i got better at school...she called me into office after first econ test and was won writing kine test…so now wat u tinking cuz u won local kid who liked and still likes sitting in the back of the class, neva did and still no like ask questions in groups, and never went to the teacher for help cuz they only stay for rip u won knew won…anyways, ended up good ting went cuz she said u stay get good ideas but no can write for jack...she bin call writing lab right den and there and sent me to jean akagi for help...still neva wrote good way for rest of her class testses but got an a cuz she understood um or mayb gave a for effort?...

LESSON #1: A few kind words and taking a few minutes to help can make a big difference for won nobody. 

ron loo was hea but knew him more for his music and teaching hper tennis then philosophy so took lecturer gaylin williamson for phil 100 and only remember when i leave da room, is it still there, the end justifies the means, keep your friends close and your enemies closer...and den took her for logic phil 210 tu and da bestest line of questioning – try answer yes or no, is dis da first time you bin pregnant? or bin steal? or bin smoke? etc....

kent robertson, rel 150 world’s major religions...learned about christians, muslims, buddhist...remember jewish the mostest cuz had to give a group presentation on jewish bar mitzvah and for my part had to memorize “baruch atah adonai, eloheinu melech ha-olam”...blew people away at ohio state and to this day say wen by jewish and they look at me all surprised...yup, who said only learn for test – wcc rel 150 still going strong 50 years later... 

pau and tu b continued anada time bumbye… 

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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...


KDEN FOA (get sum moa) 

jean akagi-minami-shibuya (was my writing lab and eng 45 instructor as akagi then minami for eng 254 and came back to work wcc she b shibuya and taught me da tree sentence structures that got me threw undergrad and grad school, my thesis, foa grant proposals and 19 annual performance reports...too dis day she get won paper i get won b on and she show everybody...she also had da bestest bestest readings – patriotism (read mishima’s biography cuz of this), modest proposal, the lottery, and horatio alger...had to read book books too like gulliver’s travels, temple of golden pavilion, and some dostovesky guy talking about brothers...all dis in 16 weeks...lot of skimming and scanning dat learned in read 101 – speed reeding...

jean akagi taught eng 45 and as was mai first eng class...was rough cuz had to go writing lab plenny plenny hours and try look da examples and exercises...did choke sra cards (remember those???) and reading for understanding cards and workbooks... 

aileen tsuji-yim – had her as tsuji for read 101 – speed reading and came back from osu and work for her as yim...taught me to reed fore meaning and not try read all da words with machine that used one stuffses like a film strip projector and show um on the wall so hole class can sea, butt showed one line or several lines or won word at a time and went thru a story/paragraph...den u had to answer questions about what the class just red...u had to really concentrate or u missed stuffses...(sew u stay try read words or meaning of all dis stuffses eye stay right?…if stay words and no can context um fore meaning den u stei get a, one, the, da, for, foa, four, fore, buy, bi, by, bai, bye, wen, when, so, sew, etc. awl screw up ur head, eh?...DA)… 

dis won sentence…start wit capital and end wit won period or something…yea, everybody no dat…it has won subject and won verb…try wait, wat?...dis won nada sentence and try foa put won comma hea, won semi colon dea, stick in won adverb, but u stay missing won modifier…no can dis one…watevas…dats how it started…dea was to bee many hours and days in the lab going from exercise to exercise…stay sure jean akagi and mitsue cook got sick of correcting the same mistakes over and over, but they were always there to help, explaining it one way and then another…finally learn a few sentence structures that definitely wouldn’t win a writing contest, but were perfect for writing my master’s thesis, technical reports, grant proposals, and still get me threw my work day now kine…as a bonus too learning how to write in da writing lab, aileen yim was able to sneak into my brain learning how for reed tips, identifying main ideas and inferences, more kinda big words but not supa big kine yet, and how fore read faster with her “reeding machine”… 

LESSON #2: Some of the people you help need a little practice and some need a lot of practice with many examples, pie charts, pictures, diagrams, comics, movies, graphs, streaming video, music, primero dinero, fill in da blank, circle the word, paʻi stik, and gadgets to learn, but if you keep supporting and coming up with new ways to present information, they’ll get it… 

pau four now…tu b continued anada time bumby… 

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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...


KDEN FOA (get sum moa sum moa) 

robert hicks taught comm and sp...if you tink this local kid is going to give a speech in front of the class, you high!...gonna drop comm 145…so i bin tink…who is dis disable guy which make his speech funny kine and with his wife helping him from his office to the classroom…he had won disability (from won car accident and cerebral palsy) and limped and spoke out da side of his mouth and had for keep drinking water during class...his wife betty helped him in class and was always with him...she had won disability did this guy get dis job teaching communication and speech courses…dis haole guy, bob hicks, who graduated from dat other big ten school up north, michigan, truly had da warrior spirit…he had won uncanny ability to calmly instill confidence in anybody to get up in front of class and give won tree minute speech… “you da expert”… “you stay in control”… “people will listen to you because they want to know the information you stay telling”… so my very first speech – eva, was titled, how won toilet works…no laugh…you know how?...i bin the expert that day as neva have no plumbers in da class…got won a for dis informative speech on how won toilet works and he used it as won example foa future classes cuz friends had um bumby and he gave my speech as won example for won informative speech... 

LESSON #3: We all have disabilities, some visible and some invisible, but no matter what they are, if you have the right spirit, you can succeed in whatever you choose… 

otome meyers taught me how hard stay for honestly evaluate your self…all you gotta do fore class is complete the readings and participate in class…dea no quizzeses or testses for psych 110 – psy of adjustment…was da perfect class or sew i bin tink…but last day class, otome myers stay tell us to tink about the past semester…think about what we learned about the psychology of adjustment…tink about all da readings we did (or didn’t do) and our participation in class…next, she asked us to write our name and won grade we thought we earned for da course on a piece paypa…no matter what grade we wrote, that would be da grade she’d give us…wat?...i get to decide my grade and the instructor will give me that?...of course an “a”…but den, i really neva participate that much in the class discussions…on the other hand, i did do all the readings and i did participate in the small group discussions…but den, i really didn’t reed-read all the readings…but den, i bet everybody else is giving themselves an a...i really earned ahhh uumm aahhh…but then…then but…but but…butthead…how can i fig dis out?...dat was a struggle big time foa b honest wit myself...and as y make everybody write their own letter of recommendation... 

LESSON #4: One of the hardest things to do is to honestly and truthfully evaluate yourself…

roy fujimoto is still here and he came same year as me...had him for my pols 110 class...all dis years and he still get u for tink about how government/administration/people in power run stuffs...still giving xtra credit if you reg to vote too...wonder how much peoples stay registered and how much ended up voting foa real kine all these years…general coming up so u betta go reg and voat...

pau butt tu b continued anada time bumbai… 

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Monday, August 19, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...


KDEN FOA (get kinda plenny sum moa) 

neal joseph was the ex pro football lineman who was counselor at wcc...he smoked cigars every so often, had a deep booming voice, and gorilla every other student, wanted all my classes in the morning, but not too early…wasn’t too sure on what to take so decided too see if a counselor could help…neal joseph started to ask me sum questions…“do you need a morning schedule because you have to work or just to go to da beach?”…“do you care about your grades?”…“are you working towards an a.a., transferring, or just taking classes?”…den he proceeded to explain the “game”…he explained how to pick classes, pick instructors based on their teaching styles or what other students have said, figure out what was won heavy load for me was, and apply for scholarships and grants…he also explained what to do if you missed won application deadline as well as many other ways to stretch the rules of college that most local kids don’t know about… 

LESSON #5: College is a game and you need to decide if you want to play to win or play the c’s get degrees game and then figure out how to play…the better you can figure it out and stretch the rules, the more successful you’ll be…the same can be said of work and life… 

maryanne inouye (not related) was history 151 and 152 and essay exams...remember scratching out stuffses and writing all kine arrows all over da place for insert stuffs...wat a to b her for try follow um, but got a’s so she either bin follow or gave up and look key words and dates…had to memorize choke dates, places, names, significance, etc., butt bin teach me could if gotta… 

acc 201 class...can’t remember lecture’s name, but he work private sector and remember mostest dat he stay smoke won cigar da whole class time...oh yea, back in the day u could smoke in class...what a change from smoking in da bathroom at kailua inter or mound at kailua high to just light um up in class at wcc – must b won adult now...

hiroshi kato (ics michael kato's dad) pisseded me off one lab won time for sci 124...he had won sealed wooden box and we had for guess what insai using only scale, ruler, sight, hearing, smell, sense of touch (could taste, but nobody did) and then at end of class when we all wanted to know what insai, he said he don't know cuz his friend bin do um...real lesson was dat dat was wat science stay all about – use what u got/know for try figure out the unknown...he was also the hper swimming and life guard certification instructor...friend took his hawaiian fish id class and they went kahana bay for camp one weekend and lay net c wat kine fish get...guess hiroshi can play ukulele since he one maui boy sew he played til late in the night...(mmmm, mayb as y michael can play guitar)...he was special forces in da army and had one unreal memory...was teaching a class (yup, i taught eng 9/21 – begin/intermediate reeding classes at wcc in the 80’s) and he came to do a lect on beginning of class he went around da room and ask for everybody ssn and phone number...had about 20 peoples…he gave his lect on mnemonics and wen class almos pau, he point to peoples and told um their ssn and/or phone number frontwards or backwards...unreals – mmmmm, no wonder how won crook do um now days – cuz must b bin train special forces… 

LESSON #6: Prepare the best you can, re-think your logic, and take your best educated guess, but you must realize you can never know for sure how things will turn out… 

dis pau and tu b continued anada time bumby… 

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Sunday, August 18, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...


KDEN FOA (almos pau sum moa) 

jacqueline maly – had to finally drop her sci 121 intro to bio class cuz no can do cuz realize weigh over my head in her science class…how stewped, flunk bio in kailua so wat u tink, all of sudden now u kan know bio and now easy?...had 20 credit load w ocn 201, sci 124 and her sci 121 all in last sems so yup had to drop...and yup, as y tell students no take all da sci one time… 

gary stice (had his wife for alg I 10th grade and flunked and den get half credit 11th at kailua) – rode with him to coconut island from wcc and stay one of da scariest rides...he was losing his peripreal vision so could only see straight ahead and the road to coconut island is pretty winding so we bin cross center line plenny...was fishing plenty den so wen saw the papio and ulua experiment pen at coconut, brain start racing how can come night time for borrow…he would stand right next to chalkboard with his face about 3 inches from the board to write his notes on board...bestest is bin learn u know stay going get one new hawaiian island, but in kinda plenny years?...wonder how much one beach house going cost on top dat one?...sure hope stay big wit plenny beach and ulua… 

sione uluave was the math instructor with a tick tongan accent...some students would complain, but charles whitten would tell um he’s teaching math and not english...he ended being a good friend and taught for trio sss when i came back wcc...funny story is had this kid lipoi in won of my class and him and i became drinking buddies...drank like fish...anyways, he tells me that in tonga, u call ur friends “usi”...from lono, he’d yell down to sione “hey usi” and sione would smile and wave back...anyways he told me do the same so i did...wasn’t til way later sione told me usi means ass...lipoi came from a higher chief family so sione had to respect him no matter wat so as y he just wave and smile...

charles whitten was my counselor in the 70’s, boss wen came back work trio, friend and guy who married me and my wife of 39 yrs...he also stay marry aileen yim and lillian cunningham, and janice nuckols and jean shibuya and jeff hunt and plenny other wcc peoples and they still stay married so he must b good luck, eh?...even tho he was a punahou grad, we still became friends...he kept tabs on me when i started work wcc in the early 80’s and working around the uh system and recruited me foa come back foa da trio sss program cuz he knew dis program needed won local who still had some brain cells left from their younger days (and rubber cement fumes – explain latas) with his blessings and support we began to demolish and then rebuild trio sss into what it is today, 18 yrs later...charles still taking care us even tho he just bin go da other side of da dirt few months ago… 

neva had too much peoples work wcc in ’74…had joy burns was the registrar with big blonde hair, glasses and smoked, nancy heu was won librarian, de etta wilson was da head librarian, cheryl de mello was secretary for mel sakaguchi and interpreter of his handwriting, betty kunishige was won clerk typist, opal stoneman – bumby terbeek was business, bea kuwana another clerk typist, david palmer was in charge of media, janice nuckols was history, joan yamamoto was da bookstore manager, sandy toporcer was fin aid officer and later married mel sakaguchi and den became chancellor for haw cc, robert de loach was anthro, helen hew len was business and was da hips in opening scene for hawaii 5-0 every week, dave dennison was anthro, midge mossman was counselor and hawaiian studies, peter guay was reading, gloria moore was music, and some other instructors and lecturers dat neva know too much... 

leroy king was provost and mel sakaguchi dean for educational services, keiji kukino director of admin services and he was major player for da bon dances trio sss helped sponsor on da beach at wcc 2012 and 2014 as he loaned wcc the yagura (tower in the center where the musicians play)...he also starred in a few local tv commercials, one for crossing at a stop light and once for an insurance was assistant deans or directors, just dem tree was da whole admin pretty much… 

kden pau…tu b continued anada time bumbai… 

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...


KDEN FOA (pau sum moa) 

worked as a student help for mel sakaguchi (dean of ed services) one summer and was the mostest nutses job as i didn't really do anything and was bored out of my mind...had an office in eckhardt (alaka‘i) in the now vcaa office all to myself...neal joseph, charles whitten and sandy toporcer had the offices next to me...had to read a few things from him and he had the worstest handwriting ever seen...was just straight lines going across the page with a few small kine bumps...couldn't make out anything in the beginning butt got betta by end of summer and had to keep going next door for try ask his secretary, cheryl de mello foa try tell one point there was nothing to do so was playing with the rubber cement and made a boogers by putting some on ur thumb and rolling it with your pointer til it dried and u had won booger – at least it looked like one...anyways, then made a little more and then a little more and then got braver and coated part of the desk and then most of the desk and then the floor behind the desk and den pretty much the whole floor in da da end, had this massive booger ball about the size of a soft ball...bestest is nobody said anything...figure they had to smell the fumes...oh well, now dat i think about it, mayb it bin a walter set up (see next person)... 

the semester i started, walter ps chun was the director of community college services, chancellor, university of hawaii at manoa (i neva know til recently cuz he no was like that), was my pool hall friend's dad and bin teach me da loads on how to work the system while i was in school and more so when i came back work in uh system...i started at wcc then went to manoa continuing ed and then to hcc to work for walter den when he bailed out, i went to med school, imi hoʻola and then back to wcc in 2005...get sew many stories and lessons from him talking about "fudge" (uh president matsuda) while stay recording won project for psy class, getting osu alumni to write me letters of rec for osu, getting million dollar anonymous donation for fujio matsuda technology training and education center at each hcc and wcc, getting me in with da welding, carpentry, apprenticeship, auto body, automotive, mason, and ac shops sew could play with all da tools and make all kine projects, or sending me to all the neighbor islands for ase motor vehicle grant…was supposed to write a report for motor vehicle board, but he said no worries, nobody gonna read or kare so no need write um cuz they just like look like they helping train mechanics and he was right...he got me experience as an administrator (director of cont ed at hcc) and seeing the workings of hcc admin team (pete kessinger, ramsey pederson, don bourassa, valerie evans) and he also made it so could work half time and still get full credit for retirement system...there's just so much funny stories...even while he stay lay on his bed in hospice, his walter mannerisms came out as he would touch his ear lobes or pinch his nose or raise his hands and shrug and say "as how it goes, nothing u can do"...anyways, walter died last year june so guess he pau real live life mentoring me for now and only gonna ghost mentor... 

dis one pau…tu b continued anada time bumbi… 

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Friday, August 16, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...



so now we pass the game on to those smart enough to learn...problem now days is most tink dey know but are really too stupid too no what they don't know or too f'ing lazy to put in the alright – no attachments to nothing, especially with wat got...following is sum moa rules to live and work by... 

rule 2.45 – we help every body, period...some of the people you help need a little practice and some need a lot of practice with many examples, pie charts, pictures, diagrams, comics, movies, graphs, streaming video, music, primero dinero, paʻi stick, and gadgets to learn, but if you keep supporting and coming up with new ways to present information, they’ll get it... 

rule 2.457 – say yes wen can and no wen absolutely have to... 

rule 2.566 – do everything possible to not b the biggest barrier for anybody who asking for b da gatekeeper...we all have disabilities, some visible and some invisible, but no matter what they are, if you have the right spirit, you can succeed in whatever you choose so no b the gatekeeper to keep dem out for even try... 

rule 1.678 – no change policy/procedure cuz of one freak anemone... 

rule 2.998 – bee da supportive, compassionate environment that they’ve never da rock solid home base they can count on four helpings with anything... 

rule 433.45 – realize the power, influence and respect ur professional voice and role has and how ur decisions impact others...a few kind words (ore yelling and swearing for most) and taking a few minutes to help can make a big difference and put um on won better path... 

rule 9.435 – no worries cuz nothing u can do...u not in control, but only think u r...prepare the bestest you can, re-think your logic, and take your bestest bestest educated guess, but you must realize you can never know for sure how things will turn out... 

rule 0.22 – if wat you like do, might not bea illegal, but if you was to do um or try sneak um and den other peoples find out wat u did and den dey get pissed cuz u was sneaky, then no do um for start gotta b up front and tell um wat going on and if u gotta argue for um or try win um over, but lose, then so bee it...just no do um if you gotta try b sneaky...people will always find out at some point and den nobody trustses you and as real hard to get stuffses done if nobody trustses u...just takes one screw up like dat and going b years of trying to repair dat trust... 

subrule 9.333.35 – college is a need to decide if you want to play for win and den figure out how to play...the better you can figure um out and stretch the rules, the more successful you’ll be...the same can be said of work and life... 

rule 7.3394 - no expect a/b work out of won c/d student...

rule 8.476 – one of the hardest most hardest hardest things to do is for honestly and truthfully honest kine evaluate yourself cuz u know u know wat stei insai...

rule 9.333 per walter chun...u wanna make a difference for the kids?...go for it, do the work, find someone else on campus who like do da same and just do it, whether it’s fund raising, cookout, 24/7 finals week, makahiki, vip registration, end of semester luau, worries about official stuffses...just u b extra safe and get all the kids moving, having fun, graduating, being successful and nobody can tell u jack wat can or no can never got to really see trio in full bore action, butt am sure he'd b laffing at all da nutses stuffses trio do...

batman pow…tu b continued anada time bumbye… 

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...


KDEN PENULTIMATE (u no wat is dat word cuz stay almost bestest…)

da main goal in life is to find ur passion…and wat is dat mean passion? mean if u bin go vegas and bin win uku million dollars, u still go work da next day cuz u have so much fun and love wat stay do choke kine…finding um stay won of da mostest hardest ting for peoples do and mostest mostest mostest peoples no eva find um or even come close cuz dey all stay counting days for wen weekend stay, hate their boss, co-workers are idiots, bored and day dream dey stay doing vacation sum place, or won good won stay dey stay need balance in their life...hahahahahah…yup, u need balance cuz u no stay find ur passion…sew if ewe neva bin find ur pashun yet, keep searching four um and hoapfulee bumbye u find um...butt for dis windward student, eye been lucky luck and found um cuz da greatest lesson i bin learn at windward was dat all these people, along wit da many others who was there windward time, had heart, along with a true passion for help nobodys for tink and grow inntwo won sumbadee…they was all sumbadee to dis nobadee… 

i know like be rich…i no laik be famous…i no laick get headlines…i no wanna be the boss…

i just wanna be won nobadee to other nobadees so they can be won sumbadee… 

pau foa nau mayb get sum moa bumbuy… 

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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...


KDEN PRESAGE (u no wat is dis won?...den let it b a warning…) 

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...the next chapter:

started working at wcc fall 1983 as manager for the learning assistance center half time and trio sss half time (band a, step 1) and u remember wen during mid 80’s had: 

• wcc staff and faculty and admin ran the Hoʻolaulea and all the monies went to wcc?...was plenknee work but good fun wit everybody, commarawdaree...huli huli chicken fund raiser in front lono had two big 4 feet by 10 feet keawe grills for make huli huli chicken (kine hold 15-20 half chicken and bin take two big guyses for huli da whole rack)...had budwiser beer garden wit cheap pounders and back den was danger cuz hawaii minimum was still 18 and dui no was (‘86 bin all start and shortly afta, no beer garden)... 

• faculty bin strike and shut down wcc?...dey stay picket little bit up from kahekili so da whole road stay stuck...too funny cuz wcc stay won of da only college won way inn and won way owt so everybody stay stuck stuck...

• students laffing so loud during evening hours, jean okumura way down mahi had for tell us in lono sssshhhhh and had to institute the study 50 min every hour and can laff soft kine only 10 minute every hour rule?… 

• one cool breeze come and den all of a sudden get feeling of hundreds of ghostses faces stay watching u from in da window of lono lobby late at night?…as fore give u major chicken skin and garans was time for pack up and go… 

• won official wcc uniform back den and was black shorts, aloha shirt, and black slippa?…jeff hunt bin renegade um and stay wear tan shorts wit tennis shoes and white socks…den bumbuy bumbye steven chigawa moa renegade renegade um and ran tshirt wit his black shorts and slippas… 

• change name of buildings cuz eye dunno?... 

• chieko soares, lavenda saberon, trio sss director roy muramoto, frank chang, pete dyer, trio sss secretary joy lindsey, leilani moss, delores botelho, kim kiyono, iris fukui, trudy kurasaki, lillian cunningham, snowden hodges, suzanne kita, mary ciacci, diana deluca, june nakasone, dorothy niimoto, gale niwa, jeff hunt, bea kuwana, ann omiya, charles heaukulani, irene tokuda (it bryan’s mom), john baker, jerry st. james, betty kunishige, sharon nihei, kathy yamamoto, pearl takeuchi, don killeen, helen mcardle, irene callejo, emi troeger, phil hagstrom, eloise yamamoto, jean okumura, and jeannette matsunaga?… 

bin work around the uh system and den back wcc 2005 til present butt u remember wen had: 

• trio sss summer math and english bin start 2006 wit clayton akatsuka, lance uyeda, and russell uyehara?... 

• bolo head fund raiser and wen make over $7,000 and hair bin go locks of love?…lance bin escape da shave and crowd no was happy, try ask um how come no shave den try look um now – bachi… 

• all kine food events like mid month munchies and especially da end of semester luau wit choke lines of students, staff, faculty, and admin waiting for get laulaus?…trio sss stay make 300 one time and buggahs was gone laik dat…try look “TRiO SSS Pictures” on blog for food events at Trio, right hand column side… 

• special grad diners for trio sss grads?...won year had all kine japanese food stations truout trio…like had won tempura stayshun on back lanai on left side, won bbq meat stayshun on back lanai right side, won sashimi and poke stayshun in lobby where aunty wanda stay sit now, and won make ur own handroll sushi in lobby, and won ono ono banana chantily cake from liliha bakery for dessert in lab or anada year was major hawaiian food or anada year was shoyu chicken or anada year was beef stew... 

• bolo head two and make doug dykstra shave his head cuz bin raise over $12,000 and almost tree tons of food for food bank drive?...wife, mrs. d still pissed…made over 700 laulau one time in won steamer borrow from bubbles and huggies lui…nalo know how for run um big as y… 

• had supa chicken and fred cruizin campus; da sekreetary day lunch for da tree trio’s secretary on the great lawn wit kanani baker, the waiter in won tux, get silverware and plate plates dat supposed to wash kine, but we just trew away wen clear da table – poor waiter had foa walk far from lono to big banyan; friday kanikapila on back lanai with choke pupus and greenies and b-lights; language lunch with hawaiian, japaknee, spanish, french, and tahitian all going on different tables (too bad neva do pidgin cuz know couple tree, actually choke good teachers…mmmmm, mayb as y neva need do um cuz everybody stay teacher status already); christmas caroling on da golf cart; make morning trio specialty coffee by roasting green beans to grinding to pour over, french press, aeropress, cold brew too finally in da cup (get nitro now); sarah hadmack bin do a yoga/stretching/gymnastic class in trio lobby; or zen training with meditation, japanese archery, kids and adult karate, and flower arranging at trio sss on sundays?… 

• paul fields, alan ragains, weiling landers, liko ho, freddie gamayo, scott masuno, ben moffat, dave maxson, geri imai, steven chigawa, judy oliveira, Ad.D., dayna isa (she was won denice status den), renee arakaki, lui hokoana, DmA., steven pulawa, peggy regentine, libby young, derek inafuku, fred meinecke, ida hokama, paul nash, donald frost, ellen ishida-babineau, letty colmenares, russell chan, frank mattos, karen puu, dave ringuette, robert bachini, patti chong, jerry levinson, winston kong, inge white, jean hanna, laura hashimoto, jane uyetake, toni martin, leslie opulauoho, jamie sumao, rona yogi, yvette malama, floyd mccoy, linka corbin-mullikin, carla rogers, tom holowach, wendy mow-taira, toshi ikagawa, angela meixell, steve nakasone (he’d b smoke cigs on the weekend insai his office and wen ac kick on mon morn, angela bin catch um full blast from her ac like he stay blowing da smoke at her), joe ciotti, lisa gillis-davis, shannon lono, colleen watanabe, pam dagrossa, kevin ishida, lara kong, and erin mattos (no was married yet)?… 

explain moa bumbye bumbuy… 

how dat memory?…wonder wat wcc dark secrets stei get insai?… 
like paint curbs red, berry beer, good fun suck face storys, poofy spocking eight ballers, mean girls d4c, and den, and den, and den...wat?, wat u mean u neva know bout um?... foa real kine?... cuz taught everybody bak den knew…
bye da weigh, if u stei feal guilty, trio sss will aksept ur cash donations… hahahahahahahahhaahahaha…

kden, spock u bumbeyes...


big big MAHALOS tu da too editoors, lance "poons-butt-know-holed-it-agenst-hymm" uyeda and jean akagi-minami-shibuya...dey bin spen choke thyme fore chek da speleengs and grammers az am shur wood hav had plenny kine misteaks if wernt four dem...mahalos from deap deep insai...

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