Friday, May 28, 2010

‘Aha Kane 2010 - Conference for Native Hawaiian Men

The goal of ‘Aha Kane 2010 is to address the issues of Native Hawaiian male leadership and community involvement by focusing on the cultural history and the roles of Native Hawaiian men in the past, present and future. ‘Aha K!ne 2010 offers a diverse venue of support services, educational programs, health presentations, and cultural workshops to increase our awareness and empower Native Hawaiian k!ne to fulfill our roles and responsibilities amongst ourselves, as well as within our families and our respective communities.
Activities include: Ho‘okuku Ha‘iolelo Hawaiian Language Oration Competition, Health Screenings, Lomilomi, and various athletic competitions! Chants and Hula Kahiko workshops, traditional warrior arts demonstrations.
The conference program will be available online at

Math Shortcuts - visualizing numbers

Visualizing numbers

  • 12 days = 1 million seconds
  • 1 year = 31 million seconds (about pi * 10 million)
  • 30 years = 1 billion seconds
  • 30,000 years = 1 trillion seconds
  • One “part per million” means an accuracy of 1 second every 12 days. One “part per trillion” means an accuracy of 1 second every 30,000 years.

Source: Mental Math Shortcuts

Quote of the Day

"A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions."

so wat?

Do you know what the Holy Prepuce is and that up to 18 cities during the Middle Ages claimed to have it?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Math Shortcuts - numbers


10,000 = hundred hundred
million = thousand thousand
billion = thousand million
trillion = million million

  • 1% of 10k is 100. The Dow is roughly 10k (it’s about 12k now). So if the dow drops 100, it’s about a 1% loss.
  • What’s 5k x 50k? That’s 250 * thousand * thousand or 250 million.

Source: Mental Math Shortcuts

Quote of the Day

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."

so wat?

More air marshalls have been arrested than crooks by the Federal Air Marshalls Service.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Good Luck on Math 24 Test!!!

Good luck to all taking the Math 24 test today!

Math Shortcuts - rule of 72

Rule of 72: Years To Double = 72/Interest Rate

  • Have an investment growing at 10% interest? It will double in 7.2 years.
  • Want your investment to double in 5 years? You need 72/5 or about 15% interest.
  • Growing at 2% a week? You’ll double in 72/2 or 36 weeks. You can use this rule for any duration of time, not just years.
  • Inflation at 4%? It will halve your money in 72/4 or 18 years.

Source: Mental Math Shortcuts

Quote of the Day

"Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule."

so wat?

A Wisconsin university has found a new way to cut costs with e-mail — by changing the font. The University of Wisconsin, Green Bay has switched the default font on its e-mail system from Arial to Century Gothic. That font uses about 30 percent less ink than the old Arial setting used for email. The university says the change sounds minor, but it will save money on printer ink when students print out e-mails in the new font.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Math 25 Chapter 5 Test Today & Math 24 Chapter 1 Test on Wednesday

Math Shortcuts - per hr per yr

$1/hour = $2000/year

  • Earn $25/hour? That’s about 50k/year.
  • Make 200k/year? That’s about $100/hour. This assumes a 40-hour work week.

Source: Mental Math Shortcuts

Quote of the Day

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."
Maya Angelou

so wat?

The sewing of the shroud was generally done by the sail-maker or his mates, and the last stitch was frequently placed through the nose of the deceased. This served two purposes: First, it was just another method of ensuring the dead did not return to life, similar to an old Norse practice of burying bodies with stakes through their breasts. Second, it was a way of ensuring the body was actually dead, as the pain would awaken a sailor who was merely unconscious rather than deceased.