Friday, February 12, 2010

Word Parts -patr

One of the fastest ways to increase your vocabulary is by learning word parts, i.e., roots, prefixes, suffixes or forms.

The TRiO SSS Scoop will give you a new word part everyday so that you can begin to work on increasing your college vocabulary. Here's your word part for today...

patr - fatherhood, protection, support

paternal - acting like a father; patron - a rich or important person who supports or helps a person or group; patriarch - male leader of a family or tribe; patronize - pretend to be kind to somebody in a haughty, snobby way that makes them feel bad.

Do you know any of the following:
partriarchy, paternity, paternalism, paternoster, patrician, patriotism, patriot, expatriate, compatriot, patronage, repatriate, patrician, patricide.

1 comment:

  1. An Amature EtymologistFebruary 12, 2010 at 7:45 AM

    You forgot also pater-, patri-, patro-, patria- as other Latin word parts that mean also fatherland, nation, country, pops. So here's some others: patrilineal, opsipatria, patresfamilias, paternophobia, patrogony, patronomatology.
