Thursday, March 11, 2010

Word Parts - acity

One of the fastest ways to increase your vocabulary is by learning word parts, i.e., roots, prefixes, suffixes or forms.

The TRiO SSS Scoop will give you a new word part everyday so that you can begin to work on increasing your college vocabulary. Here's your word part for today...

-acity : From Latin a suffix, quality of

- boldness, fearless, confidence; bibacity - practice or habit of drinking too much; grandiloquacity - lofty speech; sagacity - acuteness of mental discernment; tenacity - holding firmly, persistent; veracity - truthfulness or honesty of a person; loquacity - talkativeness; opacity - state of being opaque.

And for you:
perspicacity, pugnacity, salacity, capacity, carnivoracity, mendacity, saponacity, vivacity.

Source: English-Word Information, Word Info About English Vocabulary

1 comment:

  1. heheheh

    saponacity = "the quality or state of being saponaceous"

    saponaceous = "having the qualities of soap"

    So saponacity means "the quality of having the qualities of soap."

