Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Word Parts - rrhea, rrhoea, orrhea

One of the fastest ways to increase your vocabulary is by learning word parts, i.e., roots, prefixes, suffixes or forms.

The TRiO SSS Scoop will give you a new word part everyday so that you can begin to work on increasing your college vocabulary. Here's your word part for today...

-rrhea, -rrhoea, -orrhea:
From Latin flow, flowing

diarrhea - abnormally frequent discharge of semisolid or fluid fecal matter from the bowel; bronchorrhea - excessive secretion of mucus from the bronchial mucous membrane; verborrhea - an excessive flow of words; trichorrhea - rapid loss of hair; glycorrhea - discharge of sugar from the body; graphorrhea - an inordinate, uncontrolled, senseless writing, whose purpose seems to be to fill pages rather than to record or transmit a message; lalorrhea - an abnormal or excessive flow of words.

And for you:
cystorrhea; bradymenorrhea; amylorrhea; seborrheid; gastroblennorrhea; hydrorrhea; otorrhea.

Source: English-Word Information, Word Info About English Vocabulary

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