"You must be the change you want to see in the world."
- Mohandas K. Gandhi
You've probably seen the adds on t.v. or heard them on the news, and chances are you've seen the people waving as you drive down the road. There is no denying the fact that voting season is upon us. But what does it mean to you? Maybe nothing. Maybe a lot more than something.
There are many people out there who can see that voting has many benefits. People who understand that no government is perfect know that it takes all of us to make a strong community. By submitting our opinions we can effectively shape the world around us to fit our needs. But to a lot of people voting seems like a hassle. They don't see the point, because the feel like nothing is ever going to change. The rich will stay rich and the poor will stay poor. Unfortunately this is the kind of thinking that stalls progress. One vote on its own might not hold very much sway, but collectively our votes can make a difference.

But how can you avoid being persuaded by all those fancy adds and posters? If you are not a registered voter you should make sure you understand your main concerns for your environment. Do you want better roads and schools? Or are you more concerned with whats going on around you; like gun control and marriage rights? The topics are the real issues in voting. Your decision should not be based on your personal feelings toward a candidate (or their party), only on how you feel they would carry out your wishes. After all our government was made for the people, by the people......that's us :)
So remember there can be no voting without us, and no voting means no changes.
It's too late to register for the coming election, but its never too late to register. You by no means owe it to your country, voting is simply a right. You have the right to change the things you don't like or lend support to the things you feel are helpful to the community.
So if you're registered go out and make a difference!
And if you haven't done it yet, what are you waiting for?-
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