
Now is the time to kick it in gear (before mid-terms are upon us) and get your scholarship applications turned in. The first major deadline is February 25th – Hawaii Community Foundation (HCF). For HCF, you need to get your personal statement and application completed and postmarked by February 25th (there may be other items required for individual scholarships).
There are scholarships for Hawaiians as well as other ethnic groups, for those recovering from substance abuse (Ho’omaka Hou), for those living in public housing (Friends of Hawaii Public Housing), and much more (over 200 scholarships).

To help you out, we have two very talented and good looking gentlemen who are almost as good looking and smart as me – Pu’u Zablan to help with all the scholarship applications (Hawaii Community Foundations, Kamehameha, Liko A’e, Hawaiian Civic Clubs, FAFSA, etc.) and Lance Uyeda who will give you pointers on writing your personal statement and essay (if your scholarship requires one). In addition, we have a very wise and kinda da kine professor (she was my English teacher at WCC) helping edit your personal statement and essay(s) – Jean Shibuya.
Pu’u will be in TRiO SSS on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9am – 4pm and by appointment on Monday and Wednesday.

Lance will be conducting his personal statement workshop onThursday, February 3, 12:40pm – 1:20pm in the TRiO SSS Lobby as well as providing individual assistance in editing your personal statement.
Jean will also help edit your personal statement by appointment.
If you have any questions, see Pu’u or Roy or email Roy.
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