Thursday, August 15, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...


KDEN PENULTIMATE (u no wat is dat word cuz stay almost bestest…)

da main goal in life is to find ur passion…and wat is dat mean passion? mean if u bin go vegas and bin win uku million dollars, u still go work da next day cuz u have so much fun and love wat stay do choke kine…finding um stay won of da mostest hardest ting for peoples do and mostest mostest mostest peoples no eva find um or even come close cuz dey all stay counting days for wen weekend stay, hate their boss, co-workers are idiots, bored and day dream dey stay doing vacation sum place, or won good won stay dey stay need balance in their life...hahahahahah…yup, u need balance cuz u no stay find ur passion…sew if ewe neva bin find ur pashun yet, keep searching four um and hoapfulee bumbye u find um...butt for dis windward student, eye been lucky luck and found um cuz da greatest lesson i bin learn at windward was dat all these people, along wit da many others who was there windward time, had heart, along with a true passion for help nobodys for tink and grow inntwo won sumbadee…they was all sumbadee to dis nobadee… 

i know like be rich…i no laik be famous…i no laick get headlines…i no wanna be the boss…

i just wanna be won nobadee to other nobadees so they can be won sumbadee… 

pau foa nau mayb get sum moa bumbuy… 

(no shame add ur comments or mammaries…)

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