Monday, August 19, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...


KDEN FOA (get kinda plenny sum moa) 

neal joseph was the ex pro football lineman who was counselor at wcc...he smoked cigars every so often, had a deep booming voice, and gorilla every other student, wanted all my classes in the morning, but not too early…wasn’t too sure on what to take so decided too see if a counselor could help…neal joseph started to ask me sum questions…“do you need a morning schedule because you have to work or just to go to da beach?”…“do you care about your grades?”…“are you working towards an a.a., transferring, or just taking classes?”…den he proceeded to explain the “game”…he explained how to pick classes, pick instructors based on their teaching styles or what other students have said, figure out what was won heavy load for me was, and apply for scholarships and grants…he also explained what to do if you missed won application deadline as well as many other ways to stretch the rules of college that most local kids don’t know about… 

LESSON #5: College is a game and you need to decide if you want to play to win or play the c’s get degrees game and then figure out how to play…the better you can figure it out and stretch the rules, the more successful you’ll be…the same can be said of work and life… 

maryanne inouye (not related) was history 151 and 152 and essay exams...remember scratching out stuffses and writing all kine arrows all over da place for insert stuffs...wat a to b her for try follow um, but got a’s so she either bin follow or gave up and look key words and dates…had to memorize choke dates, places, names, significance, etc., butt bin teach me could if gotta… 

acc 201 class...can’t remember lecture’s name, but he work private sector and remember mostest dat he stay smoke won cigar da whole class time...oh yea, back in the day u could smoke in class...what a change from smoking in da bathroom at kailua inter or mound at kailua high to just light um up in class at wcc – must b won adult now...

hiroshi kato (ics michael kato's dad) pisseded me off one lab won time for sci 124...he had won sealed wooden box and we had for guess what insai using only scale, ruler, sight, hearing, smell, sense of touch (could taste, but nobody did) and then at end of class when we all wanted to know what insai, he said he don't know cuz his friend bin do um...real lesson was dat dat was wat science stay all about – use what u got/know for try figure out the unknown...he was also the hper swimming and life guard certification instructor...friend took his hawaiian fish id class and they went kahana bay for camp one weekend and lay net c wat kine fish get...guess hiroshi can play ukulele since he one maui boy sew he played til late in the night...(mmmm, mayb as y michael can play guitar)...he was special forces in da army and had one unreal memory...was teaching a class (yup, i taught eng 9/21 – begin/intermediate reeding classes at wcc in the 80’s) and he came to do a lect on beginning of class he went around da room and ask for everybody ssn and phone number...had about 20 peoples…he gave his lect on mnemonics and wen class almos pau, he point to peoples and told um their ssn and/or phone number frontwards or backwards...unreals – mmmmm, no wonder how won crook do um now days – cuz must b bin train special forces… 

LESSON #6: Prepare the best you can, re-think your logic, and take your best educated guess, but you must realize you can never know for sure how things will turn out… 

dis pau and tu b continued anada time bumby… 

(no shame add ur comments or mammaries…)

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