Friday, April 1, 2016

Graduation Checklist Reminder


Will you graduate Spring 2016? If so, you need to start the process and not wait until the last minute. The last day to certify to get your name in the Commencement Program is April 15, 2016 (you may certify until May 4, 2016, but your name will not be in the program. Hereʻs what you gotta do:
1. Grad check with Roy or your assigned counselor.
2. Grad certification with Patti Chong, Charles Whitten, Carla Rogers, or Heipua Kaopua.
3. Order diploma with Admissions and Records.
4. Pay for diploma at Business Office.
5. Buy cap and gown ($41) from bookstore (you need to show proof of grad certification).
Anybody who graduated Summer 2015, Fall 2015 or Spring 2016 is eligible to walk at commencement.
TRiO SSS and Paipai have always had a large presence at commencement so we hope to continue the tradition with all you prospective grads. Come see Sarah, Kaulana or Roy if you have any questions.


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