Monday, August 26, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...



da start… 

funny how little lessons learned at windward have turned out to be major forces that have carried me throughout life…having more d’s and f’s in high school than b’s or a’s, it was a wonder why i even applied to windward and even more mind boggling that they accepted me...(only sometime later, after the first semester did i find out about the open door policy)...hahahahahahaha...and now the story begins...

monday, august 26, 1974 was the first day of classes for the 1974 fall semester at wcc...and lookie here fifty years later, monday, august 26 is the first day of classes for the 2024 fall semester...i was a brand spanking new 17 yr old student...just graduated from kailua, figured i knew everything even tho could only do gambling math (was good at the math, but still lost money) and could barely almost write won basic english sentence… 

ankneeweighs, dad died when i was 14 and mom worked 11pm-7am shift at castle as obgyn nurse and slept during day so grew up at kailua que learning all da fun stuffses in life...friend’s dad said should try go and c wat was wcc about, but wasn’t’ sure wat wcc was gonna do since was having good fun in da pool hall...pretty sure i wasn't gonna get in since barely grad kailua, but got an acceptance letter and was all jacked cuz wcc accepted me... all jacked, and only later found out just gotta b 18 or have a high school diploma and they accept u...and now u know y for all u who get all jacked about wcc accepting you, as how come i know how u stay feel cuz I bin stay just like u and neva know wcc take everybody...hahahahahahahah… 

my first day of college at wcc was an eye opener and little did i know it would change my direction in life, mayb not for the better, but at least i neva go live in da hai makamaka gated community – yet...wcc and the staff, faculty, and administration saved me from who knows what so as won main reason for all da aloha for wcc... 

wat class gonna take?...which classroom i go and where stay?...can i take any class i interested in? register? pay?...anybody for try tell me?...registration was in a room where get classes listed on the wall saying open/closed and u gotta go in when ur alpha was scheduled...u had one 4” by 6” index card and stay put ur classes on top, go one desk and somebody initial um by the class, den go next desk for next class and in the end somebody took um and told u how much u owe... 

like a typical teenager, scared and no like make a and more worried what others tink den for try ask, but only good ting, get choke just like me – losted...da last year guyses knew exactly what for do and who for take classes from... luckily had all da counselors (tree) by the registration place and they help you pick your classes and make sure count towards aa or watevas u stay wcc foa...back in the day, could have up to 12 crs under 100 and still get aa, but thing is those no trans to uhm or other 4 year colleges/universities... 

pau for now…tu b continued anada time bumbye… 

 (no shame add ur comments or mammaries…)