Sunday, September 1, 2024

wcc 50 years ago today, august 26, 1974 threw won students eyeballs...


KDEN 1974 Vernacular Side Bar Foot Note 

 Thus I have heard people are having problems reading the posts.

Thus I have heard 1974 Vernacular is an oral language with no rules for written grammar and spelling. It's roots come from growing up in Kailua and not being a very good speller. Breaking the Sound Barrier at Maunawili Elementary didn't work as these ears couldn't hear the differences in sounds or syllables or remember the spelling rules. Second grade strategy was to write messy so the teacher had a hard time checking spelling and it worked for the most part, but also got a U for penmanship - and yes, still use the same strategy today. Practiced Da Vinci writing as he used to write backwards, upside down, the right way and misspell his words so that people couldn't look over his shoulder to copy his ideas so you're lucky this isn't handwritten. Had to memorize how words were spelled in order to pass spelling tests and now have to Google or spell check work daily.

Thus I have heard you need to use context for meaning, to figure out words, and also for sounding out the words. Keep in mind that the word could have an English, Hawaiian, or Japanese spelling and/or pronunciation. If you're good at the English rules of spelling, then you need to know the various rules are misused so you need to figure out which rule to use, i.e., our personal license plate for the kids surf school bus was SCIRGH. SC as in science, IR as in sir, and GH as in tough so SURF. If you're lousy at the Breaking the Sound Barrier rules, then oh well, it's going to be a slow process. Learned basic Quickhand in college for note taking and then texting came along which was basically the same thing so they come in to play too. On the positive side, we do know a very good Disability Counselor that can recommend some academic adjustments and modifications for you.

Thus I have heard payback is a bich. Having had to struggle through elementary, intermediate and highhh - actually blew off high school, all you English Standard School graduates get to now see what it was like for locals on the East Side, West Side, and Country. And if you graduated from an East Side, West Side, or Country high school, just have someone read it to you and you'll totally get it.

pau and tu b continued anada time bumbye…

(no shame add ur comments or mammaries…)


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